Customized energy concepts
We record, describe and analyze your energy consumption and create tailor-made energy concepts that reduce your costs and align your company for the future
to save time
We want to stop climate change and transform our energy needs in an environmentally friendly way.
Now is the time!
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) supports medium-sized companies through the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) with significant grants (up to 80% of investments are subsidized)! Take advantage of the opportunities and advantages that result for you and your company.
The measures are still being funded!
The federal and state governments also support you with implementation with up to 80% of the investment costs if you align your energy consumption in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.
An energy audit is a systematic process of obtaining sufficient information about the existing energy consumption profile of a building or group of buildings, a facility, or an industrial or commercial installation, identifying and quantifying opportunities for economic energy savings, and compiling the results in a report.
An eligible energy-related refurbishment concept shows how a non-residential building can be extensively modernized step by step over a longer period of time using coordinated measures (refurbishment roadmap) or
How to achieve the standard of a federally funded BEG efficiency building through comprehensive renovation (renovation in one go).
New construction advice for non-residential buildings is funded if the goal is a federally funded efficiency house.
In particular, acquisition, installation and commissioning are eligible for funding
for support or for the purpose of integration into the energy or environmental management system, provided that the primary purpose of their use is to reduce energy consumption
In addition, expenses for the creation of a savings concept and the implementation support of the funded investment measure by external energy consultants are eligible for funding.